Friday, July 30, 1999

The other me becomes more like me

The other me has done well! He is beginning to feel the presence of myself in him and he is doing things the way things should be done. He has already threatened and blackmailed his own boss! I did the same with my bosses, so he followed suit- he still thinks that he is acting like this because of my influence, but the truth is the real him is surfacing.

I'm expecting him to become aware of who I am soon. He will no doubt try to stop me, but he can't stop himself.

Tuesday, July 20, 1999

Some of our projects

Some notable things that we've done in Project Mayhem:
-Someone apparently burned a building and left a huge smiley face on it
-Car dealers are experiencing an excess of bird shit on their new cars
-we scared the old geezer investigating us by pretending to cut off his balls-no more interference now, even the police is infiltrated by my members
-ATMs now randomly spew out 10's and 20's, go get them before they're gone!